Guardianship and Conservatorship
Protect Loved Ones Who Cannot Make Decisions for Themselves
Our team knows that it can be difficult to navigate the guardianship and conservatorship process.
That’s why we are here for you from the start.
Serving as a Guardian
A guardianship allows you to make important personal life decisions on another person’s behalf and ensure that they are cared for. Becoming a guardian can be a confusing process without help from an experienced attorney. This is a very serious role and can be extremely difficult to obtain.
In Georgia, a guardian is responsible for doing whatever is necessary to adequately provide for the ward’s care, support, health, welfare, and education. This could include the following:
- Maintaining a relationship and contact with the ward to stay up to date on the ward’s needs, limitations, and health
- Deciding where the ward will live
- Making medical and legal decisions on the ward’s behalf
- Cooperating with the conservator (if this is a different person than the guardian) and providing appropriate funds to them using any money the ward has received
Appointing a Conservator
A conservatorship is a legal arrangement that allows you to handle someone else’s finances. It is important to note that this arrangement is only appropriate if a person is legally incapacitated.
As a conservator in Georgia, your duties may include the following:
- Setting budgets
- Managing assets
- Paying bills
- Making investments
- Paying taxes
If you know someone who is incapable of making their own financial decisions, you should consult a lawyer with Nelson Elder Care Law.
Get Started Today
Take the first step in protecting your loved one by meeting with our dedicated team.
Learn More about Guardianships & Conservatorhips:
Britney Spears and Conservatorship – How would that work in Georgia?
Protecting Your Special Needs Child When They Turn 18
Guardianship vs Advanced Healthcare Directive